// Service - Digital Advertising
Connecting customers to your brand.
- Provides Maximum Results When Compared to Organic
- Can be arranged according to the available budget
- There is Special Audience Targeting
- Ads Display on All Platforms (Smartphones, Laptops and Computers)
- Affordable and Measurable

Google Advertising Services
You know that people who search for information on google are people who really need your products & services. They hope to find a service or product that can provide the best solution & price. Now, when your website is advertised on Google Adwords, the process of getting the top 10 positions on Google is much faster. And when it is in the Top 10 Ranking, the POTENTIAL of your ad is clicked very big!
It’s time to find the best target market for your product now! Accelerate Your Business With Google Ads
Youtube Advertising Services
Grow your Business by advertising on Youtube Ads. We won’t promise you a lot of sales, but we will help you improve the quality of your ad.
It’s time to find the best target market for your product now!

Advertising Services Facebook & Instagram
The advantages of advertising on Facebook ads in Indonesia Apart from the huge number of Facebook users, we can also target the user’s age, what they like, gender, region, what device is used and much more.
With the majority of Facebook users among young people, this is the very right choice to use Facebook as a medium for marketing your products.
Frequently Asked Questions
Featured Product Information and Prices
Basic Keywords (We will research more later)
Featured Product Information & Prices in the form of videos lasting 15 seconds to 1 minute Basic Keywords (We will research more later)
We do not guarantee sales, orders, BOOKINGS or the number of resellers obtained. Because we are an advertising service provider, NOT a Sales Guarantee.
Our advertising services focus on the PROCESS of getting a WINNING CAMPAIGN where when our team & you have found the best performing ad format for your business, your advertising goals will automatically be achieved. We think you already know that SALES / BOOKINGS can happen because there are many factors, at least our team found 7 important factors that determine advertising success that you & your company must maximize for optimal results.
- Prospective Buyers' Level of Trust in Your Brand/Company
- Your Response Speed
- Availability of STOCK / Availability of Room, Car Unit, or Your Team
- Competitive product prices
- Complete product variants
- Product presentation that is easy to find (website layout) and many other factors.
Thank you for choosing us. Sorry, there is NO GUARANTEE, unless your AD MATERIAL is REJECTED by Google, which means your ad will not run, then we will continue to create new material until it is Approved.
We do not limit you, please consult your target market with our Specialist Team to get the best results.
This is the POINT of our service, Google AdWords advertising does not necessarily mean SETUP WILL BE SUCCESSFUL, but requires a process to progress to get better DATA. With this Consultation service, we hope that you will make good use of it to jointly search for the BEST Advertising Pattern/Format/Angel/DATA for your product.
Direct consultations are carried out in our office with our AdWords specialist team. This service is to evaluate how your advertising develops during the contract period. With this service, your ad will continue to develop to get even better results, so it's not just an ad setup.
Advertising reports will be provided once every month, but don't worry, you can check the real time report from the application and log in to your Adwords account via laptop/computer for more detail.
You can see everything in your AdWords account, starting from total daily clicks, price per click, keywords that generate clicks, to the total cost. At the initial meeting you will be taught to check the progress of your advertisement.
Not yet, the costs in the package are for our specialist team fees. You are free to determine the daily budget for your advertising. For suggestions, please consult our Specialist Team because each product has different needs.
Of course, every ad that has been approved will definitely appear and you will get a detailed report. However, we cannot confirm the position and duration of the broadcast, everything has been set by the system, so we do not guarantee that your ad will always appear in the best position or always appear on YOUR or your relatives' cellphone.
Google has provided tools for advertisers such as checking the position of your ad in which location (country/city) and in what position. With this tool you can check at any time WITHOUT having to reduce the quality of your own ad. Our specialist team will teach you how to check it.
The number of daily clicks can vary depending on the price of each keyword. Each business field has different click prices.
Informasi Produk Unggulan & Harga
Kata Kunci Dasar ( Nanti akan kami risetkan lebih banyak lagi )
Informasi Produk Unggulan & Harga berupa video berdurasi 15 detik s/d 1 menit Kata Kunci Dasar ( Nanti akan kami risetkan lebih banyak lagi )
Kami tidak menjamin Penjualan, Order, BOOKING atau Jumlah reseller yang didapat. Karena kami merupakan penyedia jasa iklan BUKAN sebagai Penjamin Penjualan.
Jasa Iklan kami berfokus pada PROSES mendapatkan WINNING CAMPAIGN dimana ketika Tim Kami & Anda telah menemukan Format Iklan dengan Performa Terbaik untuk usaha Anda, maka secara otomatis tujuan beriklan Anda tercapai. Kami rasa Anda sudah mengetahui bahwa PENJUALAN / BOOKING bisa terjadi
karena banyak factor, setidaknya Tim kami menemukan 7 faktor penting yang menentukan kesuksesan iklan yang harus Anda & Perusahaan maksimalkan untuk hasil yang optimal.
- Tingkat Kepercayaan Calon Pembeli Terhadap Brand/Perusahaan Anda
- Kecepatan Respon Anda
- Ketersediaan STOK / Availability Room, Unit Mobil, atau Tim Anda
- Harga Produk yang bersaing
- Varian Produk yang lengkap
- Penyajian Produk yang mudah di temukan (layouting website) dan banyak factor lainnya.
Terimakasih telah memilih kami, Mohon maaf TIDAK ADA GARANSI, kecuali jika MATERI IKLAN Anda di TOLAK oleh google yang artinya iklan Anda tidak akan berjalan maka kami akan terus membuat Materi baru hingga di Approve.
Kami tidak membatasi Anda, silahkan Konsultasikan target market Anda dengan Tim Spesialist kami demi mendapatkan hasil terbaik.
Ini yang menjadi POINT Layanan kami, Iklan google adwords tidak serta merta sekali SETUP PASTI SUKSES, tetapi butuh proses untuk progress mendapatkan DATA yang lebih baik. Dengan layanan Konsultasi ini, kami berharap Anda memanfaatkan dengan baik untuk bersama-sama mencari Pola/Format/Angel/DATA Iklan TERBAIK dari produk Anda.
Konsultasi langsung dilakukan di kantor kami bersama tim adwords specialist kami. Layanan ini untuk mengevaluasi bagaimana perkembangan iklan Anda selama masa kontrak berlangsug. Dengan adanya layanan ini, maka iklan Anda akan terus berkembang untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik lagi, jadi tidak hanya sekedar Setup iklan saja.
Laporan Iklan akan diberikan setiap bulan sekali, namun jangan khawatir Anda bisa mengecek laporan real time dari aplikasi dan login di akun adwords Anda melalui laptop/computer agar lebih detail.
Semuanya bisa Anda lihat di akun adwords, mulai dari total klik harian, harga per klik, kata kunci yang menghasilkan klik, hingga berapa total biaya. Di pertemuan awal Anda akan di ajarkan mengecek progress iklan Anda.
Belum, biaya dalam paket adalah untuk fee tim spesialist kami. Anda bebas menentukan budget harian untuk iklan Anda. Untuk saran silahkan konsultasikan ke Tim Spesialist kami karena setiap produk punya kebutuhan berbeda.
Tentu Saja, setiap iklan yang sudah di setujui pasti muncul dan akan mendapatkan laporan detailnya. Namun untuk posisi dan durasi tayang tidak bisa kami pastikan, semua telah di atur oleh system, jadi kami tidak menjamin iklan Anda akan selalu muncul di posisi terbaik ataupun selalu muncul di HP ANDA atau Kerabat Anda.
Google telah menyediakan alat untuk para pengiklan seperti Anda mengecek posisi iklan Anda tayang dilokasi mana (Negara/kota) dan posisi berapa. Dengan alat ini Anda bisa mengecek kapanpun TANPA harus mengurangi kualitas iklan Anda sendiri. Tim specialist kami akan mengajarkan Anda untuk mengeceknya.
Jumlah klik harian bisa bervariasi tergantung harga tiap kata kuncinya. Setiap bidang bisnis memiliki harga klik yang berbeda.