// web development - Tour & Travel Website
Plan Your Next Adventure: Elegant Tour & Travel Websites
Why should you create a website?
- Increase consumer confidence with a professional appearance.
- Provides important information directly and up to date.
- Expand marketing reach and increase sales through online platforms.
- Utilize SEO and online advertising to attract more visitors.
Benefits of creating a website
- Specially designed according to your needs and desires
- Affordable prices and quality
- The website was created by a team of experts in their fields
- Fast and professional work
Additional bonuses you get
- Free domain *T&Cs apply
- Free consultation on website needs
- Digital Marketing E-book
- SEO Friendly
Landing Page
This website was created to display complete information about the tour packages you sell, including photos of tourist attractions, tour facilities, operating hours, location, latest promotions, as well as making it easier for customers to interact and book tours online.
This website was created specifically to display a photo catalog of tourist attractions, tourist facilities, provide complete information about various tour packages, prices and detailed explanations for each product to make it easier for customers.
Feature & Facility
You will get various complete features and facilities for your company website.
Professional Design
The display design is tailored to the characteristics of your company and brand. You have the freedom to determine the layout, colors and wording as you wish.
Mobile Friendly Design
More than 80% of access to websites is done via mobile devices, and your website display will remain responsive, comfortable, and present information without limitations.
SEO Optimization
We optimize all elements on your company's website to match the latest Google algorithms, so it can compete at the top of Google's rankings.
Webmaster & Analityc
Free Google Webmaster and Google Analytics integration to monitor visitors, analyze website performance, and identify potential visitor targets.
Online Server Guarantee
Our servers use the latest technology to ensure your website stays online, maximizing accessibility and information availability.
Competitor Analysis
Free competitor analysis for you. We help analyze and implement strategies on your website to outperform competitors and stay ahead
Free Email Account
Use email@yourcompany to increase your company's credibility and gain premium access to seamless data.
Guidance Document
We provide a complete guide to website management. With this guide, you completely own and can operate your own website.
Cheap, fast and high quality website creation services that our users trust.
Paket Bronze
- Free Domain Hosting 1 Year
- 1 Page
- 3 Times Revision
- 1 Company Email
- No ADS
Paket Silver
- Free Domain Hosting 1 Year
- 2 GB Hosting
- 5 Pages
- 3 Times Revision
- 2 Company Emails
- Google Ads 2 Weeks
Paket Gold
- Free Domain Hosting 1 Year
- 5 GB Hosting
- 15 Pages
- 5 Times Revision
- 10 Company Emails
- Google Ads 2 Weeks
- Logo & Social Media Design
Paket Platinum
- Free Domain Hosting 1 Year
- Unlimited Hosting
- 20 Pages
- 10 Times Revision
- Unlimited Company Email
- Google Ads 2 Weeks
- Logo & Social Media Design
// Testimonial
Our goal is to help founders and entrepreneurs sell their business
Frequently Asked Questions
The following are some questions that are often asked by our clients
Digicraft provides website creation services with prices starting from IDR 500,000 for a simple website. However, to create a more complete website, we can adjust it to customer requests. Regarding the price, it will be adjusted again depending on the level of complexity of the desired function.
The processing time is a minimum of 3 days. and a maximum of 14 days, we will ensure that within 14 days the website can be accessed via your browser, however, it could take more than 14 days depending on the readiness of the website material. If you need faster time, please contact us to find out additional costs
Yes, as long as you still have access to the domain management and the domain is still active for access.
Yes! You can manage website content (news, articles, events, galleries) through the access to website administrators that we have provided.
The cost of creating a website at Digicraft includes purchasing a domain and also providing hosting for your website needs. However, it does not cover the costs of extending the website for the following year.
In most cases, there is no need for website development, if you have submitted the data we mentioned above. Currently we are opening discussion services via telephone / WA.
Digicraft menyediakan layanan pembuatan website dengan harga mulai dari Rp 500.000 untuk website simple. Namun untuk pembuatan website yang lebih lengkap, kami dapat menyesuaikan dengan permintaan dari customer. Mengenai harga, akan menyesuaikan Kembali tergantung tingkat kompleksitas dari fungsi yang diinginkan.
Lama waktu pengerjaan adalah minimal 3 hari. dan maximal 14 hari, kami akan memastikan dalam 14 hari website tersebut sudah bisa diakses melalui browser anda, namun demikian bisa lebih dari 14 hari tergantung kesiapan dari materi website. Jika anda membutuhkan waktu yang lebih cepat, silakan menghubungi kami untuk mengetahui biaya tambahan
Bisa, asalkan anda masih memiliki akses menuju kepengelolaan domain tersebut dan domain masih aktif untuk diakses.
Ya! Anda bisa mengelola isi website (berita, artikel, event, galeri) melalui akses untuk administrator website yang sudah kami berikan.
Biaya pembuatan website di Digicraft sudah termasuk pembelian domain dan juga penyediaan hosting untuk keperluan website anda. Namun tidak mencakup biaya perpanjangan website untuk tahun berikutnya.
Sebagian besar kasus untuk pengembangan website tidak perlu, jika anda sudah mengirimkan data-data yang kami sebutkan diatas. Untuk saat ini kami membuka layanan diskusi melalui Telp / WA.